Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh That's Real Attractive...

About a month ago I was playing with a lighter, when I accidentally caught my hair on fire. Before I could extinguish the flame, it singed my eyebrow and burnt a small patch of hair right down to about a fourth of an inch from my head. Scary, I know.

Thankfully the small patch of burnt hair wasn't that noticeable, that is until the other day when I looked in the mirror. You see, the hair is starting to grow back. Now that it is like an inch long, it stands straight up! So here I am with a small patch of hair right in the middle of my forehead sticking up!

Luckily though, it is a really small patch of hair, and you probably wouldn't notice unless I pointed it out to you. Even though it really isn't that attractive, I do think it is quite comical. Just one memory that will still with me for a long time!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Miss the Old Nickelodeon...

Today as I was sitting at home, I was browsing You Tube and I happened to come across some old episodes of my favorite Nickelodeon shows. No, I am not talk The Avatar or whatever crap is on now. I am talking about the GOOD Nickelodeon shows. These include: Clarissa Explains it All, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Doug, Hey Arnold, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, and the list continues on.

In my opinion, Nickelodeon has really gone downhill. Sure I still like Spongebob, but basically everything else is crap! Thank God for You Tube where I can go and still watch these awesome shows!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh yes, I am a has been

Today I went home, back to good ol' Willow Springs, Mo to watch my not so little brother play football. I went by and picked up Amber and headed to the game. When we got there, we had to pay three dollars each just because we weren't students anymore! Boo.

Once we were into the game, we saw all kinds of people that we once went to school with. I enjoyed talking to them, but as Amber and I walked around, I felt like such a has been! We were too old to be there! But we didn't care. We saw other has beens from our class as well, and it was great catching up. After the game we even went to the truck stop just like we did back in the day. So I guess it is true. I am just a has been trying to relive the glory days. It may have been a little awkward, but at least we had fun!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Great Day In PLS

Besides Intro to Baking, I also had Political Science. After my baking class, I came home and took a shower before heading back to the college for Political Science. I quickly put on clothes, grabbed my shoes, and ran out the door.

I drove to OTC and got out of the car to walk to class. I started walking and just happened to look down at my feet. I had on one blue shoe and one black shoe! Now tell me that doesn't take talent! I just laughed it off and walked the rest of the way to class.

Once I got to class, I sat down and started to look over the material we had covered on Tuesday. I knew that we had a quiz. After studying a little, the instructor gave us the quiz and told us we could use our notes. Simple enough.

I was quickly done with the quiz and handed it in. In return for handing in my quiz, I received an assignment that was for extra credit. When I sat down and looked over the assignment, it turned out to be a 25 question quiz about the Constitution. I started and quickly realized I couldn't remember hardly anything I learned my freshman year in Coach Madden's class.

I was struggling to think of the right answers, when the instructor announces that once we were done with the extra credit, we were free to leave. With that announcement, I just said screw it about the quiz, after all it was extra credit, quickly finished, and headed out the door. I was in my car by 3:00, which meant I had only been in class for 30 minutes! If class goes like this for the rest of the semester, maybe, just maybe, I might survive!

The First Baking Experience

Today in intro to baking I had my first chance to actually bake. This morning when I went into class we had a short quiz. Then we went down to the kitchen to bake for the first time. When we got down there, we got a brief introduction to the kitchen. After finding out where everything basically was, we got our recipes, and we were on our own.

My partner and I got out the ingredients for our first recipe, double fudgy cake. We prepared it like the directions said, and surprisingly enough, it turned out great! Next we made a flaky pie dough. This recipe required a little more effort seeing as we had to freeze the butter and make sure not to over work the dough. In the end though, it turned out great as we put the dough in the refrigerator to chill.

Next on the agenda was to make a rhubarb filling. In the filling was rhubarb, cinnamon, ginger, orange juice, orange liquer, orange zest, raspberries, strawberries, and sugar. To start with we had to heat the sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and rhubarb together. That was my job. It turned out that our rhubarb just turned to mush, but in the end it was amazing.

We poured the filling into containers and set them to the side as we rolled out the pie dough that would form a cookie to go on top. We cut out the individual circles, brushed them with an egg wash, and sprinkled sugar on them. Then we put them in the oven to bake. When they were done, we put the pie dough cookies on top of the filling. Finally, we were able to taste our product! It was fantastic! My first day of baking was definitely a success! I can definitely get used to eating delicious food every week!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Parking Disaster!

This morning I was on my way to my Human Communication class which started at nine. I was proud of myself for being fifteen minutes early as I pulled into the OTC parking lot. Cruising the first lot, along with a lot of other people, I saw that there weren't any spaces to be had.

Despite the disappointment in the first lot, I traveled over to the second lot. I went down aisle after aisle, but there were still no spaces. So, I went to a third lot. By then I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't find one! I cruised the third lot, and sure enough, there weren't any spaces.

I went back to the second lot and look again, but there were still none. By then it was five minutes until my class started. I was starting to get really angry. I looked for people getting out of class who were going to their cars. There were a few, but there were so many people trying to get parking spots I didn't have any luck at getting one.

I glanced down at the clock in my car and it said it was nine o'clock! I was late, and to top it off, my class is on the third floor! By then I was furious. I finally said screw it and went across the street to park.

I got out of my car praying I wouldn't get a ticket in the fifty minutes I was gone. I had a long hike to my class, and I was already late. I went as fast as I could, but it took me awhile to make it across the treacherous street. I hustled up the two flights of stairs to make it to the third floor. Breathless, I finally entered the class a full ten minutes late. Luckily though, I hadn't missed anything important and the teacher didn't mind.

Apparently from now on I am going to have to arrive at the college at the crack of dawn in order to secure a parking space or else I will be subjected to parking across the street again. Parking is a disaster at OTC, and I can't wait to tackle the same problem every day for the next two years!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Political Science Will Be the Death Of Me...

So today was my second joyous day in political science. I don't think anyone could truly understand how wonderful that class truly is until they actually sat through it with me, but I will try to give you an idea.

2:20-Arrive at class, sit one chair away from a chick who wasn't there last time. She says hi. I say hi back.

2:22-Eye patch man walks in...doesn't sit by me. Yay!

2:25-A friend of the chick sitting next to me walks in and sits directly behind us. They begin talking, and the chick next to me tells the girl to move up by her. The girl replies by saying that another friend is coming and looks at me. I offer to move down so the three musketeers can sit by each other. I am such a nice person.

2:30-Instructor walks in.

2:33-Attendance sheet is passed around

2:34-Start discussion where we left off

2:35-Two older chicks in front of room continually ask questions.

2:43-Two chicks continue to ask questions.

2:50-Instructor says that ten percent of our age group will vote in the next election...that means ten to twelve of us sitting in room will vote. There are only twenty something of us in class. Nice math skills.

2:53-Chicks continue to ask questions...getting on my nerves.

2:55-Had to go over which candidate is conservative and which is liberal.

3:00-Glance at clock. Are you kidding me? Only thirty minutes have gone by? What kind of sick joke is this? God help me.

3:08-Went over what Congress is....Clarified that Congress includes both the Senate AND the House of Representatives.

3:11-Ponder if projector screen cord is long enough to hang myself with.

3:15-Chicks still ask questions...I look around for something to throw at them.

3:18-One of the chicks get fired up about Native American rights...even though we are discussing something entirely different.

3:19-Other chick mentions that we gave Native Americans blankets with smallpox.

3:20-Instructor chuckles and says, "Yes, we did do that."

3:33-Instructor mentions something about a boy in his class not wearing socks and later on in his life he went to jail for murder.

3:40-Instructor says there will be a quiz next time over the material... I am so tempted to raise my hand and ask if the sock thing will be on it, but I refrain.


And that, was my political science class

Monday, August 25, 2008

Human Communication Round 2

This morning I had Human Communication yet again. It proved to be just as interesting as the last time I had class on Friday. With self introductions and a corn rowed chick sitting next to me, what could be better?!

The class started out with attendance, and I noticed that my partner, Chelsea was not there. After attendance, Susan said that we were going to pick up where we left off with each of us getting up in front of the class to introduce our partners.

The first few groups went, and then I had a chance to ask what I would do since my partner was not there. She asked if I would be willing to introduce myself, and I said that I thought I could handle it. She looked overjoyed that I volunteered to introduce myself.

I got up and went to the front of the room. I told everyone that I was from Willow Springs, and I was currently enrolled in the culinary arts program. I also said that I lived in an apartment with Puggy. In addition to that standard information, we were required to say one interesting thing about ourselves. I couldn't think of anything! So I decided to say that I am currently working on my first book, which is true by the way! Boy if she wasn't happy before, she sure was estatic then!

I took my seat, and we went on with more of the introductions. After the introductions were over, we started going over the first chapter of the reading we were assigned, except apparently it was a suggestion, not an assignment. Before we began to go over it, the instructor asked how many people had a chance to read over the weekend. Note to self: reading assignments=optional at OTC.

Once we were going over the reading, she was asking questions that we would be able to read the answer straight out of the book. Easy enough. Time flew by, and soon it was time to leave. As Susan wrapped up, she thanked us for such great participation. Yes, it did take a lot of effort to say my name in front of the class and read one line directly out of the book. I felt this gratitude was much deserved.

Before walking out of class, the girl sitting directly to my left turned to ask me a question. Before going on with the story, I feel it is necessary to describe this chick. You see, her name is Juanita, but she prefers to be called K. Also, I should mention that she has corn rows in her hair, and no, she is not black. Now on with the story. So K who kind of creeps me out already turns to me and says, "What's your book about?" I reply by saying that it is going to based on my life. She just turned back to her stuff and never said a word back to me. Neat. I don't know if she approved or was repulsed by the idea. I just thought to my self, "Oh well," as I walked out of the room from yet another, wonderful Human Communication class.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Very Strange Dream

Last night I had a truly crazy dream. It was actually two dreams, and neither one of them turned out good! The first one was where I was somewhere on the coastline and a tsunami was coming. Everyone was panicking as we prepared for the disaster.

As waves were starting to roll in, someone handed me a small child who clung to me. So now not only did I have to save myself, I had to save this kid. I grabbed my boogie board, the one I bought in Gulf Shores, and I braced myself as the giant wave approached. I tried to put the kid on the boogie board, but it wasn't working.

The giant wave hit and I along with the whole town was swept up in the current. It was kind of a Titanic like scene minus the freezing cold water. Everyone was in chaos. I held onto the kid with all my might, but when the wave came I lost him. It was so powerful that I couldn't hold on no matter how hard I tried.

Then it was as if I totally forgot about the kid because I was just riding the waves on my board. We all rode the waves until we were in another town, and then all of a sudden the water level dropped as we entered the town. It was as if we knew the wave would come again.

I ran into a grocery store and started stuffing food in my pockets. Someone yelled at me to stop stealing, and I said that the whole place was going to be underwater in about five minutes so why did it matter? I ran from the store right as the wave came again, and I was once again riding the wave.

I woke up right after the second wave came, and I ended up falling back asleep immediately afterward. My next dream was where I was in a tattoo parlor. I got a tattoo of a shooting star on my left forearm, and for some reason the artist left off the star and only did the tail of the shooting star. I hated it, so I decided to try and cover it with another tattoo. I chose a tattoo that was a blue pattern, and said something about being loyal to your family. Why I would ever pick that, I don't know!

So the artist did the tattoo, and then he told me that the last tattoo was washable. It was just a joke. I was furious as I washed off the fake tattoo. So there I was, left with a crappy real tattoo I had gotten just to cover a tattoo that was not even real. I wanted to get it removed, but it cost too much money, and I would be left with a horrible scar. I ran from tattoo shop to tattoo shop trying to see if anyone could help me. No one could do anything for me.

Fortunately I woke up before I had a complete breakdown in my dream. Overall, it was a very eventful night! All my dreams are pretty crazy, and most of the time they don't make any sense. That's what makes them so great!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Running On Empty...

It has been a long day! One of friends came over last night and spent the night. Naturally we stayed up until one in the morning, and then this morning another one of my friends felt it was necessary to text me at 9am and wake me up. Gee thanks, not!

Needless to say, I did get up after the nine o'clock text. I took a shower and watched a little tv before my friend who spent the night and I went to lunch with the friend who texted me at nine. She is now my ex-friend since she woke me up. ; ) After eating, my friend who spent the night went home, and I had a couple of hours just to relax, when I got a text from another friend saying she was coming to Springfield to see me. So that meant even more activities.

When she got to Springfield, she called me, and we went out to eat at TGI Fridays. Afterward, we went to the mall and walked around until it closed. While in the mall, I ran into yet another friend. She asked if we could hang out later on tonight when she got off work, and in my delirium I agreed. My friend and I went on shopping. While she was shopping for make up, I was leaning on clothing racks about to fall asleep. I was dead tired.

Thankfully after exiting the mall, she took me back to my car where I could drive home and get some sleep. Unfortunately when I got here, I realized I had promised my other friend we would hang out tonight. I quickly texted her and told her that I was just too tired, and we could hang out tomorrow. Now I am sitting in bed drifting in and out of consciousness as I write this post. My day was hectic, but fun. I would write more, but I have to go to sleep. : )

Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome to Human Communication

This morning I only had one fifty minute class, human communication. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but as I walked in, I noticed that for once most of the students appeared to be close to my age. As the instructor walked in, she seemed just a little bit too excited to be there.

She began class by taking attendance, and then she said that we would be going over the syllabus, and if we were lucky, we would get to our first in class activity. Before she started to go over the syllabus, she explained how to log into blackboard. It is really difficult, trust me. Then she brought up the syllabus and started going over it.

When she got to the part about the textbook we were supposed to have, one guy raised his hand and started to give a five minute explanation as to why he didn't have his book. You see, he has been in the hospital for the last three weeks for something to do with his gull bladder, and he was late in filing for his financial aid. When he did file for financial aid, something didn't work out, so he had to file it again. Now he is waiting for the financial aid to come through before he can get his book. If the financial aid doesn't come through, it could be next Wednesday before he can get the book, and he may even have to drop the course. He isn't sure yet. Neat story, I know.

After listening to the story, the instructor told the guy that he would just have to play catch up when he got his book. He replied by saying that he definitely would because he had made sure to write down the assignment. The instructor continued on, and as I watched her, I couldn't help but think that she should have been a kindergarten teacher rather than a college instuctor. She was just too chipper. I am not anti-happy, but there comes a point when you are over doing it and talking in little kid voices. Oh well, better happy than mean I guess.

As the end of the class approached, the instructor said that she had an activity we could start and finish Monday when we have class again. She passed out index cards to each one of us that had a word written on it. What we had to do was find the person with the opposite of our card. For example, I had "day" so I had to find the person with the card that said "night."

Everyone was quiet as she handed out the cards, except for the guy with the gull bladder problem. When she handed him his card which said, "high, " and he immediately yelled out, "I resent that. I use Visine for my allergies." The instructor just smiled and moved on. God bless that man.

Once all the cards were handed out, we found our partners. Mine was a chick named Chelsea who had graduated from Republic in May. She has a boyfriend of two years, and she played softball her freshman year of high school. She was just going for general education classes at OTC, because she doesn't know what she wants to do yet.

I told her about me and tried to think of something interesting about me, but I really couldn't. You see, we have to introduce our partner to the class on Monday, and we have to say one interesting fact about them. I told her that I would have said it was interesting that I have a sweet tattoo on my wrist, but the man in the back, who was covered in tattoos, has me beat on that one. She did not find my comment even remotely amusing.

And so, my time in human communication drew to a close. It was an interesting fifty minutes, and I am sure it will be a class filled with plenty of good writing material throughout the semester.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay....a Journey into Political Science

The second class I had today, was none other than good ol' political science. From looking at the book, I could tell it wouldn't be too difficult. I was just wondering what kind of people would be in my class.

When I first entered the room there were only three or four people in there, but it quickly filled up as more and more people entered. I was just sitting there minding my own business when all of a sudden an old guy with an eye patch walks in. Now I have nothing against people with eyepatches, I just found it rather strange that his highly resembled that of a pirate.

As he walked down the center aisle, I was silently praying he didn't sit next to me. I mean, after all, there were several other empty seats. But low and behold, he did sit right next to me. We didn't say a word the whole class time. He kind of scared me. I did however, have to keep myself from staring at the eye patch. I couldn't help but wonder how it would look if I painted on a skull and crossbones with some white out.

To keep myself from staring, I looked at the other guy who was sitting next to me. He looked to be about my age. He was drawing mountains on his paper. It was neat, I guess.

Finally class started as the instructor took role. He mispronounced my last name even though it isn't that hard. After taking roll, he passed out index cards where we had to write some information about ourselves and give our contact info. Then we went right into going over the syllabus. The syllabus didn't look any different than ones you would see in high school. On it was the basic course objectives and grading scale. There was also the rules for an essay we would have to do.

When we got to the point where we were discussing the essay, he explained that it would be our midterm and a due date would be given later. It was going to be a series of opinion papers. We had to take three controversial issues, pick a side, and write why we believe what we do, supporting it with facts. I was thinking it was going to be difficult until he said that they only had to be a page each, and MLA format was optional. Piece of Cake.

As we continued to go over the syllabus, we came to another portion that said something about writing five essays for a portfolio. The instructor then told us that portfolio was just a fancy term for binder. Then he explained that the five essays were going to be difficult, but we have the whole semester to do them. Then he said the length they had to be and I about cracked up right there. They only have to be 250 words minimum with a 500 word maximum! How hard is that?! Apparently it was hard for some in the past, because he went on to say that he has had people trying to cheat that minimum, but he will catch it.

He then decided to give us his secret method to writing a good paper. Waiting for some intellectual wisdom, I waited eagerly. Then he said, "Write a five paragraph essay." He then proceeded to explain how to write a five paragraph essay and even how to write a paragraph starting with the topic sentence and following with supporting details. Neat. Thank you oh wise sensei of college writing.

As the class progressed, I couldn't help but think that my instructor was exactly like Coach Madden, my 9th grade Civics teacher. In fact, I felt like I was repeating that class over again. I am not trying to be mean. He did seem like a nice guy. He had taught high school for 34 years, and he was now teaching part time at the college. The only problem I had with the class was that I felt like I was back in high school. I came to college looking for something to challenge me, and so far, it's not looking too good. But who knows, I could be surprised in the end.

After one full day of classes, two things are for certain. College will definitely be an experience, and of course, it will be great writing material!

Wikipedia, a Serial Killer, and Weird People....My First Day in Intro to Baking.

Today was my first day of college, and believe me, it was an experience. The first class I had was introduction to baking. I was excited because it was actually a culinary class. Walking into the room, I shook the chef's hand and introduced myself. Before long, everyone was there and class began.

We started by going over the syllabus. As chef was reading through the syllabus, we came to a part that said we would have to do a report over a certified pastry chef. Chef explained that the report had to be enough to please him, which meant about a page and a half. It also had to have the sources cited, but MLA format was not necessary. Oh and let's not forget, Wikipedia is a valid source. As I was sitting there, I couldn't help but think I didn't belong. I am not saying I am extremely intelligent or anything, but even I know that anyone can edit Wikipedia! Heck, I created an article about myself a couple of years ago, and I edited the article for Pomona and Willow Springs!

As class continued, we got to the portion of class where we played the, "get to know your classmates game." One by one, we had to stand up and tell a little bit about ourselves and why we were there. When it got to be my turn to say why I was there, I couldn't help but think, "I don't know, you tell me." Watching each of my classmates give their introductions, each one seemed a little weird to me. I mean, I know I am far from normal but some of these people were way further away from normal on the spectrum than me! I know this maybe a little, ok very sterotypical, but I did make notes about each one of my classmates and how I felt about them:

Girl who sat next to me: Very strange. Kind of ran/skipped everywhere she was walking. Kind of had the emo look going on...wants to bake wedding cakes. I would guess she was around 20 years old.

Chick who sat on the other side of me: Class suck up. She was in my summer online class, and I saw her the one time I had to come in to take a test. She laughed at all the chef's jokes and asked tons of pointless questions....and I thought I was a suck up. She definitely got on my nerves a little. She acted as if she knew everything already.

Random chick down the row: A little slower than everyone else, but still nice all the same. She was going into baking because she baked with her grandma at home.

Artistic wonder: Kind of cute. Acted as if he knew everything already. Has been in school 8 years. First wanted to get an art degree then switched to culinary....only one in uniform for the day....ate peanut m&ms which are gross....plain would have been a much better choice. Drank Dr. Pepper which was a good choice.

Business Lady: She came dressed in business attire. 46 years old, she worked in the corporate world her whole life. Decided it was time for a change....talked to me at fifteen minute break...I don't think she likes me because I am young, as if I control that.

Divorced Woman Harboring Deep Hatred: She stood up and explained in a tone that implied she was harboring rage deep inside that she had just gotten divorced and it was time to do what she wanted to do. I say all the power to go girl.

Nursing Chef: This chick looks my age but is really like 22. She can't decide whether or not she wants to be a nurse or a chef and wants to find a way to incorporate both into her career.

Undying Love Chick: She is the closest to my age. She is 19 and is engaged to her boyfriend. She explained that they have been dating a year and will be married in a year and a half when she turns 21. She will then be moving to Kansas City. Chef said something about rushing into marriage and all of the old people nodded their heads. Undying love chick replied by saying that they will have been together for two and a half years when they are married so that is plenty of time.

35 Years in Manufacturing Lady: She had spent the last 35 years working in manufacturing when the plant closed. Now she felt it is time to do something she really enjoys. Her sister works for Taste of Home...she went into full detail about this and how she could get us all magazines.

Coffee Chick: She carried her mug of coffee like it contained liquid gold. She is originally came from New Hampshire but moved to Springfield for personal reasons. A criminal perhaps?-Note she is not the serial killer...we will get to him later.

39 Year Old Hick Trucker: He had been a trucker for a very long time, but then he hurt his back two times. So, his wife told him to go get his culinary degree. That's why he is there.

Blonde headed guy who looked sleepy: He was obviously too cool to be there. He looked like he thought he was much better than anyone else in the room.

Marketing Guy: He was enrolled in marketing classes at Missouri State, and then he decided to go into culinary. He was very quiet the whole time.

Chick with the Facial Piercings: She bakes a lot of stuff and just gives it away because it is only her husband and her. She seems kind of strange. Mental note: make friends with her so she makes me food.

Serial Killer: He was in the military for eleven years. Wears extremely thick glasses and makes a lot of nervous gestures like he is paranoid. Could potentially hold entire class hostage.

And that, is my beautiful class. : )

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time for School

Tomorrow is my first day of college classes, so I decided that today I would go see where all my classes were. After all, I didn't want to be the idiot running down hallways asking everyone in sight how to get to classes. Ashly decided she wanted to go with me and find hers too.

When we got to OTC, I had to run in the book store to get one final book they had to order for me. Once I had the book in hand, we stood in the long line. I am sure we were quiet entertaining for anyone listening to our conversation. Ashly explained to me that it wasn't that hard to cook, and all you had to do was throw a bunch of ingredients in a pot, add some salt, and stir. She said her grandma could teach me all I needed to know about cooking, and I wouldn't even have to pay for the classes. Then she proceeded to tell me that I was so smart she thought I would become an astronaut, because of course, all smart people become astronauts.

After talking about how I should become an astronaut, she made me promise that I would go to the moon before I die. I said I would see what I could do. Then she told me that not only did she want me to become an astronaut, I had to build the rocket. I told her no biggie like it was no big deal and proceeded to check out.

As I was leaving, I turned around and noticed almost everyone in line was watching us. I am sure they thoroughly enjoyed our conversation in the book store. I could already tell that the short time we were on campus together was going to be interesting.

After running to my car and dropping off my book, we headed to student services so I could get my student id card and Ashly could get her schedule printed off. We got in the huge line and waited our turn. While waiting, an OTC helper came by and asked what we were waiting for. I told her, and she told me that the id card machine was broken at the moment and if we wanted to print Ashly's schedule we could just go to the computer lab as long as she knew her password. Thankfully she did, so we followed another chick who needed her schedule printed up the stairs to the lab.

While we were following the girl, she turned around and said that she had no clue where she was going. So that didn't really help us. We ended up asking someone for help, and they directed us the right way. After about ten minutes of searching, we did eventually find the lab and got Ashly's schedule printed off. We told the chick who had been searching with us goodbye, and we were on our way.

We spent the next hour going all over campus looking for classes, but it was a fun adventure traveling down many hallways that led in a circle and ending up in the wrong place almost everytime. We did eventually locate all of our classes though, so we will be ready come tomorrow when our classes start.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

They Don't Sell Cocaine, Let's Get Crunk Drunk Instead

While in Gulf Shores, it was my personal mission to find a can of Cocaine energy drink and try it. We went to gas station after gas station picking out the trashiest looking ones in search of my controversial drink. I was very disappointed that after about an hour of searching, we were unable to find it.

Stopping at one last gas station, I got out of the car and ran in to see if they had any Cocaine. After seeing they didn't, I noticed another energy drink I thought would be worth trying, Crunk. I had heard of Crunk before, but I had never actually had the chance to try it. I decided to buy a can and try it.

Getting back in the car, Amber and Chelsea asked what I had picked up while inside and I showed them. I was eager to try it, so I popped open the can and took a swig. It tasted pretty good. Heck, with ingredients like pomegranate juice, horny goat weed, and ashwaganda what was not to like?

I had quickly chugged the can, and afterward, I immediately began to feel the "buzz." It made me feel really light headed and happy. So naturally, I told Amber and Chelsea that I needed more. Later that night we went back to the gas station where I had found the Crunk and bought more. They each bought a can, and I bought four. We started drinking them on the way back to the condo and before long, we were all feeling it.
That night was a blast. We danced to ringtones on our phones, sang at the top of our lungs, and took a ton of pictures. We enjoyed getting "Crunk Drunk" and just having a great time hanging out. Crunk is definitely a powerful energy drink, and I wouldn't recommend drinking more than one can at a time if you don't have a high caffeine tolerance like me, but otherwise it is amazing. I am just hoping I can find it in Springfield now that I am back home!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Sleepy Farewell

This morning while most of the United States was sleeping, Amber, Chelsea, and I got up to depart from the absolutely gorgeous beach in Gulf Shores. We woke up around 4:30, got ready and took off. Although I truly did miss my family and Puggy, I couldn't help but feel a slight bit of sadness as I watched the beach disappear in the rear view mirror.

The past few days on the beach served as an escape for me. I didn't have to deal with anyone's problems or even my own. I could just forget all of them and relax. I enjoyed the chance to write and to just sit back, watching the waves roll in. Leaving the beach meant I would have to enter back into the real world. With a final glance back, I said goodbye to my vacation and to my summer. Heading back to Missouri meant that it is time to start college and make something of myself. I am looking forward to it, but I will definitely miss the carefree nights on the beach.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Mountain of Fried Okra and More

Today for lunch, we decided to check out Lulu's. From reading on the internet, it sounded like Lulu's was definitely a local favorite, so we were anxious to try it. When we arrived, we were greeted with the sight of a local art market and the sound of live music. The place wasn't that crowded, but then again it was 2 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon.

We were seated and our waitress greeted us. We decided to start with a mountain of fried okra and some good ol' Alabama sweet tea. As we waited for our appetizer, we decided what we wanted to eat, and afterward we started taking pictures of the restaurant. When our waitress came back, she offered to take all of our pictures together. We posed and were satisfied.

As we ate the huge amount of delicious fried okra that was placed before us, a lone guitar player took the stage. He was fairly good, and we decided to take pictures of him singing. As we did, he started to look at us and smile for our pictures. Then when the song was over, he asked how we were doing, and we said we were great.

He continued to play, and it seemed like anytime one of us would look at him, he was looking directly at us. Eventually while we were eating our delicious meal, he came over and talked to us. He was extremely nice. He asked where we were from and told us to come back and see him if we were in town.

After chatting for a brief moment, he went back to play, and we went back to our meal. We finished, stuffed to the brim, and we paid the waitress. We waved as we exited the restaurant, and the singer just smiled as he played. Overall it was an experience I will never forget. I absolutely loved it, and I would recommend Lulu's to anyone looking for a great place to eat in Gulf Shores!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Message in a Bottle....

This morning while swimming in the ocean, Chelsea and I found a bottle floating in the waves. We quickly swam to it and grabbed it out of the water before anyone else. Rushing to shore, we were stoked to have a message in a bottle.

We showed Amber what we found, and we tried to open the bottle but we couldn't. So, we traveled back to the condo where we chiseled away at the seal with a chef's knife. Eventually we were able to get the bottle open, but we weren't able to get the message out. It ended up that we had to break the bottle with a hammer that Amber had brought on our trip.

Once we had broken the bottle, we pulled out the piece of paper inside and read the names of the people who had sent it. They were from Louisiana and on vacation in Gulf Shores. So obviously it didn't make it far. On the back of the piece of it paper it said, "Send more beer. We are out." I cracked up. It was the best message in a bottle ever! There was also a phone number on the back. We plan on calling them tomorrow. We would have called them today, but we wanted to give them at least one day to hope that their message made it really far along the coastline. It was so exciting to find the bottle. I can't wait to call the people tomorrow!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hanging Out at The Hangout

When I go out for a night on the town in Springfield, I can expect a extremely crowded club with creepy guys and dirty dancing. Tonight I had a chance to experience a different kind of evening out. This evening we decided that we were going to eat supper at The Hangout. We had heard that it was really cool, and they had live music so it was sure to be a blast.

Around eight o'clock we decided we were hungry and left for The Hangout. When we got there, there were quite a few people. We gave them our name and took our buzzer to wait our turn to eat. We explored the gift shop, then we decided to go outside to see the live music and all they had. It was amazing! There was a stage where the band played with a giant television screen above it that was showing the Olympics. There was a dance floor, a beach area for kids to play in, a fire pit, several tables in the sand, and many bars. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.
We were just standing there when the band exited the stage and the DJ started to play music. The first song that came on was the Cha-Cha Slide. We were so excited that we practically ran to the dance floor to do the dance. Doing the Cha-Cha with complete strangers was a blast. Everyone was having fun, both young and old.

After the song was over, we were walking away when the Cupid Shuffle came one. Naturally I insisted we had to participate, so we went back to the dance floor. We had so much fun, not as much fun as the drunk guy dancing on the table was having, but we were having fun.
Afterward, Crank That came on and we watched as many people attempted to "Superman that ho" It was hilarious to watch. When the song ended, we looked at our cell phones and saw it was past nine o'clock. We were starving. We went to the people to ask how much longer it would be, and she told us we had been paged several times. Oops! I guess we were just having too much fun dancing.

Needless to say, we were seated shortly after at a picnic table outside facing the stage. After ordering and waiting about ten minutes, we were able to enjoy our delicious meal and good music. We are looking forward to going back tomorrow. It was so fun there. I am sure tomorrow will be a blast, and who knows, maybe I will dance on a table! : )

The Pink Pony Pub

While on our way to Gulf Shores, I was texting one of my former teachers. She said for us to stay away from The Pink Pony Pub in Gulf Shores. Naturally we were intrigued, and we Googled it as soon as we arrived at the condo. We we anxious to go find it, but we didn't actually have a chance to begin our search until late this afternoon.

We started out our search with great confidence, after all, we did have a GPS. We weren't looking to go in the pub, but we knew we definitely had to take a picture in front of it. So under the authority of Caroline (we named the GPS) we were off.

Traveling down the roads of Gulf Shores, we took all the turns Caroline told us to take, that is until I accidentally turned one street too early. Luckily Caroline is a GPS, and she could calculate the unexpected turn into our journey. Following her directions we traveled in a square which we thought would lead us right to the pub. But then as we found ourselves continuing driving, we noticed we were passing all of the same spots in the square again. Caroline took us around the square twice! Then when we did finally arrive at the destination, it turned out to be a light pole and some trees. There was no Pink Pony Pub to be found. Caroline had definitely let us down this time.

Chelsea called her mom and had her Google the address for the pub, after explaining why we were even going in the first place. She gave us the address, we entered it into Caroline, and we were off. We traveled down a whole new set of streets, traveling for about ten minutes when we noticed we were very close to our apartment. It turns out the address we got was on the road right beside our condo, and it led to a pink house but not a pink pub. We were disappointed, but we were bent on finding the place.

So after that whole ordeal, we went ahead and went to our condo where I Googled the pub and sure enough, the address was for the house right beside us. After some more in depth searching, I found a new address and decided to try it out. After driving about three miles, we found that we had pretty much passed the pub while on our search. It was just hidden behind another place.

We were so excited that we found it, but unfortunately I missed the turn because we didn't find it until I was already past it. So I turned around and on the way back I was getting ready to turn in at the stoplight, but I realized it was a one way street and I couldn't turn. Once again, I drove past the pub. After turning around again, I came back and turned into a parking lot I was sure would get us there, but alas, no, it just got us to hotel parking.

After that, I turned back out onto the road and tried the next turn off. It turned out the parking lot was close by the pub, but it did not lead to The Pink Pony. So I exited out of the parking lot and decided to try one other road. When I turned, I immediately noticed that the road led to the public beach access and you had to pay for a permit to park there. I turned around and exited another parking lot yet again.

Upon driving by the pub, I noticed that the permit parking road was the one I needed to be on, but it was not worth it just for a picture. I was angry by then, and I just decided to keep driving down the highway to see what I could see. Amber asked how far I was going to drive before I turned back to head toward the condo and replied by saying that I was going to keep driving until I was no longer angry. Obviously this took awhile, because before we knew it, we were in Florida. It was probably only about thirty minutes away from our condo, but just thinking I had driven in anger until I had crossed a state line made me crack up.

Since I was feeling better, I turned around and we went back to our condo. Overall it was a fun memory I know I will never forget. We are going back tomorrow to get our picture, so I guess I can handle that.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fight the Waves? Or Retreat to the Shore?

Amber, Chelsea, and I arrived in Gulf Shores around three thirty this afternoon. Ever since then I have been taking in all that it has to offer me. I am so happy to be here. Traveling to Gulf Shores has given me a chance to escape the everyday routine of my life, and I can finally get a chance to just breathe and think. The moon reflecting on the ocean is so beautiful right now. I could live like this forever.

Today when we arrived at our condo which is located across the street from the beach, I demanded that we go walk on the beach. After settling in, we crossed the street and surveyed the ocean. Immediately I wanted to jump in the water, but seeing as I was fully clothed, I couldn't just jump in. I asked if we could come back later on around sunset and they agreed.
A couple hours later, we were back on the beach and ready to swim. During those two hours, we visited a surf shop where I bought a boogie board to play with. Upon arriving at the beach, I immediately dove in and started to try to ride the waves. Chelsea also ventured out with me while Amber stayed by the shore. I ran out full speed with my boogie board attached to my wrist, ready to take on any waves.

I haven't been to the beach for nine years, so obviously I couldn't remember everything about it, and one of those things was the fact that the waves are so strong. Paddling out on my boogie board and occassionally jumping waves as I tried to walk, I fought for every bit of ground. It seemed like for every four feet I traveled away from the shore, the waves carried me back five. But I was determined to make it.

As I fought with every ounce of strength I had, I couldn't help but think how similar to life my water situation was. In life we fight so hard to make it, yet every time we feel we are making progress, something happens that throws us back. After that happens, we are left with a choice. Do we just give up and head back to shore, or instead, do we keep fighting for every inch of ground we gain hoping to eventually reach our goal? As for me, I fought my way out. It took a long time to reach my destination, and I got many bumps and bruises along the way, but I reached my goal. I definitely enjoyed my time in the ocean today and I can't wait to do it tomorrow.

Getting up at 3am sucked, but it was soooooooo worth it.

This morning at 3am my alarm clock went off after a mere three hours of sleep. I forced myself to get out of bed, regretting the decision to leave Willow Springs at 4 in the morning to head to Gulf Shores. After a ten hour boring car ride, we arrived safely to our destination. Seeing the ocean for the first time in nine years made the sleep deprivation and boredom all worth it. I love this chance to get away from my life. I love this chance to write, and not have to worry about the stresses of everyday life. I am looking forward to what this trip has in store for me. I am sure it will be full of memories I will never forget.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Talk

When reading the title of this post, you might think that I mean the talk about the birds and the bees. But alas, it was not that talk. I actually had that talk a long time ago, and it was very awkward. Maybe I will write about it someday, but for now let me focus on a different type of talk. This evening I went to my friend Amber's house who is going with me to Gulf Shores. While I was there we ate giant bowls of Honey Bunches of Oats and watched American Gladiators on DVR. We were just laughing and having a good time, when Amber's mom walks in. She then tells us to pause the television and that it is time we have a talk.

I frantically tried to think if I had done anything that I could be in trouble for. When I couldn't think of anything, I just sat there puzzled waiting for her mom to begin. She said that we needed to talk about our trip to Gulf Shores and a few rules she had for us. I was relieved to hear that I wasn't in trouble. Relaxing a bit in my chair I listened as she gave us the rules.

-No smelling perfume. (It might be drugged)
-Bring baseball bats to ward off any potential attackers.
- No sex.
-No drinking.
-No drugs. (This includes tobacco products.)
-You are not allowed to go anywhere on your own. (This includes the bathroom)
-Call often to check in. (Preferably every hour)
-No talking to strangers.
-Do not get in cars with strangers.
-Do not swim too far out.
-Use the walkie-talkies she will provide.

After hearing the rules and going back to our show, I reviewed them in my mind. I thought to myself that I should be able to follow all of them while on vacation.....ok, most of them. Smelling perfume can be quiet tempting. ; )

Monday, August 11, 2008

Help! Need Gas Money!

After cleaning my car today, I decided it was time to start packing for the beach. I stuffed three fourths of my clothes into a suitcase, and as I did I remembered that I didn't have any of the travel size shampoo to take along. So tonight around eight thirty, I traveled to Target to pick up this much needed item. After getting the shampoo and getting into my car, I traveled out of the parking lot and onto the road where I was forced to wait out a red light. I was just leaning back listening to my music, when I noticed a woman standing at the corner of the intersection. She was probably in her mid forties, wore simple shorts and a t-shirt, and was on her cell phone. But when I looked closer, I noticed she was holding a sign. The sign read, "Help! Need Gas Money!" I knew I didn't have any cash on me or I probably would have given her a couple dollars.

As I sat there though, I couldn't help but be skeptical of the whole situation. Here this woman was standing on the corner of the road with no parked car even remotely near her, and she was on her cell phone. From her facial expressions, it didn't look like she was in hysterics. In fact, it looked like she was actually enjoying the conversation. Also, doesn't everyone have a debit card these days? I would think if you owned a car, you would definitely carry one. Plus, why didn't she just walk to the nearest store or gas station to see if someone could help her? Instead she was standing on the street corner in a dimly lit area. But then again, it was close to nine o'clock at night, and she certainly didn't look like a con artist. Even though I was skeptical, I probably would have given her some cash if I had had any.

As I drove off, I thought more and more about the lady. What was her life story? What got her to the point where she was standing on the corner of the streeet asking people for money? She looked like your average middle aged woman. Did she recently lose her job and was barely scraping by on what little funds she could save? Was she just passing through Springfield and simply ran out of gas...and cash? I will never know what her story is, but I will make sure to mention her in my prayers tonight and ask God to bless her and help her in her time of need.

And You Thought Your Car Was Dirty...

This Thursday, two of my friends and I will be heading to Gulf Shores. It will definitely be a road trip to remember. We are taking my car, and I am driving the eleven and a half hours to the beach. Unfortunately, my car was not the cleanest of cars. This morning I spent two and a half hours cleaning it. To prove just how messy it was, here is a list of all the items I found in just the trunk: a plate, a tent, a Relay for Life bronze team sign complete with metal stand, a 48 oz. box of elbow macaroni, a pack of four Tylenol Rapid Release Gels, Dirty Minds game, a sleeping bag, a pooper scooper, an empty maroon binder, an American Eagle polo top, a Relay for Life shirt, an umbrella, my senior project valedictory assignment, four FACS aprons that belong to the school, a pair of heavy duty waterproof gloves, a box of Band-Aids, a fanny pack, a curling iron, a winter hat, a pair of tan panty hose, a pair of red gloves, sixteen comment cards from the Relay for Life play, a Jumping Jacks firework, a pair of scrapbooking scissors, a pair of tye-dyed long socks, a dog harness, cable ties, a pair of Adidas socks, two bottles of clear school glue, a bottle of glitter, three marshmallow lovers hot chocolate mix, a purse with a peace sign on it, my cords from graduation, Febreze Air Effects spray, a pair of black gloves, three socks without matches, a Celtic Wonder cd case, an All American Rejects cd case, a Wow Hits 2008 cd case, The Fray cd case, an empty Skittles package, a pack of Trident gum, two boxed of matches, a bottle of hand sanitizer, a wallet with no money inside : (, a Matchbox 20 cd case with The Fray cd inside, a blank cd case, a tupperware container, a shot glass, Tide to go, two lighters, two pens, two pencils, one little dynamite firework, two smoke bombs, two crackling ball fireworks, a draft of my senior project paper, a diploma cover, the final KWSB episode, a folder containing all the CAT work I ever did, two sets of headphones, deodorant, a parachute firework, a hammer, two wrenches, a pencil bag filled with all sorts of crap, an Adidas beanie, a money bag that belongs to WSHS, my graduation tassel, a bottle of Glade air freshener, a flag from Relay for Life that says "site 3," two foam paintbrushes, a card from my mom, a quarter machine ball with a small cup inside, a card from Melissa, a pink dog toy, a skateboard, a pair of gray gloves, a pair of fuzzy pink gloves, a Guinness hat, a pair of black panty hose, a camo hat, a camera case, a pair of brown work gloves, and a pair of river shoes.

Total Items in Trunk: 118

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who Needs a Paper Shredder When You Have a Pug?

Today was the dreaded apartment cleaning day. I hate cleaning, but it had to be done. The mess was starting to get out of control. I had no dishes left to eat off of, the was spaghetti sauce molding in a pan, and I had nothing left to wear after today. So with trash bag in one hand and a dust rag in the other, I started on the long task ahead of me. I started to pick up all the scraps of paper and cotton stuffing that was on the floor. It covered the entire floor of my bedroom, and if you have ever seen my "junior suite," you know that the whole apartment is my bedroom. Puggy may be a small dog, but she can out shred any paper shredder I have ever seen. My mom bought her a toy bug less than a week ago, and now all the cotton stuffing has been ripped out. Puggy triumphantly trots around the apartment with her deflated bug in her mouth. If there is any paper on the floor, you can bet within five minutes it will be in at least one hundred pieces. Somehow she manages to find things to rip up that I didn't even know existed.

As I was picking up shreds of newspaper off the floor today, I looked up on the bed and saw that Puggy was in the middle of shredding a French fry box from McDonalds. There were pieces all over my bed. I yelled at her to stop, and she just looked at me as if asking, "Are you talking to me?" She continued to rip up the box until I took it from her. I told her she was lucky that she is cute or else she would have been thrown out a long time ago. This is our life together. Every day she makes a mess of something, and every day I clean it up and tell her how lucky she is. All of the ripped up paper and cardboard may be annoying, but I love my little paper shredder with all my heart. I wouldn't trade her for any other dog in the entire world.

The High Guy

Last night around eleven o'clock, my friend Rachel and I went to Wal-Mart so she could pick up a few groceries. We didn't spend long in the store, grabbing the Berry Blue Typhoon Hawaiian Punch, cherry turnovers, and some conditioner Rachel needed. We found the shortest line and set our stuff on the conveyor belt. We were just standing there talking as the cashier rang up the items of the customer in front of us, when all of a sudden some random guy comes up and stands between us in line. For a few seconds all I could do is stare. Then I tried to rationalize it. I thought maybe he was going to grab a pack of gum or something, but no, he just stood there. In fact, he already had a pack of gum in his hand.

Rachel and I managed to make eye contact, and as we did, we both had to fight the urge to burst out laughing. Why was this guy, who was probably in his early twenties just standing there between us leaning against the conveyor belt, not saying a word? After about a minute of standing there not really saying anything, the cashier was done ringing up the groceries of the customer in front of us. Then something unexpected happened. The guy who was standing between Rachel and I quickly reached out, flipped the screen around so he could see the total of the customer's groceries, and then turned it back around. Immediately afterward, he went back to resting against the conveyor belt as if he were satisfied with what he saw. It took less than two seconds for him to make the gesture, but it was so random. Not five seconds before that, he was just standing there motionless.

Then the cashier started to ring up our groceries, and I moved around the guy so I could be by Rachel and grab the bags of groceries. This was the first time I could see the guy's face. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a look of paranoia on his face, like he thought the world was out to get him. Even though he was just resting against the conveyor belt, he looked tense, as if he didn't trust anyone. He was definitely on some hardcore drug. I was trying not to stare, but I was curious as to what he would do next.

Unfortunately before the guy was able to do any other random gestures, the cashier was done ringing up our items, and Rachel had paid. So we grabbed the bags and went on our way. I wish I had stuck around to see the high guy purchase his gum and the conversation that might have occurred between him and the cashier. But since I didn't, it will forever remain a mystery to me, and the events will be left to my imagination.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I Thought I Was Pretty Gangsta...Until I Looked in the Mirror and Realized I Was White

I will admit it.....When I am driving down the road, just cruising the streets, the music that I am listening to is most likely that of the rap/hip hop variety. I like listening to Soulja Boy, Flo Rida, and all the other "gangstas." If I am alone while driving, it is almost a guarantee that I am singing along. Even though I struggle to keep up, and I don't always know the words, I still sing at the top of my lungs. It makes me feel like a bad ass, even though I am about as far away from being a rebellious bad ass as they come. I am a white girl who was raised in the country. I don't think I even knew what the ghetto was until high school, but I enjoy the music nonetheless. I drive around for about an hour, and after listening to my music I feel like I can swing my hips, get low, and party until the a.m. Then as I enter my apartment and pass by the mirror, I realize that I am in fact white. I am by no means racist, but it is a fact that I have no chance at a rap career. I have no rhythm, I always lost at limbo, and most nights I am asleep by midnight. But I will continue to listen to my "gangsta" music, because it gives me hope that someday some stranger will look at me and think, "Woah, that chick is pretty bad ass." :D

The Awkward Eye Contact...

Anytime we are at a stoplight, we always have the urge to look around, especially at the driver next to us. You can deny it all you wish, but once your foot hits the brake, and you are at a complete stop, it is as if some cosmic force is pulling your head to glance out the window. The more you try to resist, the stronger the urge. You try to ignore it, but finally the urge consumes your entire body, and you just have to know what the person next to you is doing. We try to be discreet in our efforts to glance at our fellow motorists, but as soon as we turn our heads, we are inevitably met with the piercing eyes of the driver next to us. Panic ensues as we realize they have seen us. What do you do now? Do you give a friendly smile? Do you just continue to stare? Or like me do you almost always find yourself quickly averting your gaze as if you weren't really trying to look at them in the first place? It was just a mere coincidence. Unfortunately though, you both know it was not. It was the most awkward five seconds of your day, but alas, as you once again get the courage to look up from your steering wheel, you notice that the light has changed to green and you can move on with your life, that is, until the next red light and awkward eye contact just down the road.

Glow in the Dark Stars

With life and all its perplexities, we are always on a search for knowledge, a search for the truth. We are always looking to explain the how and the why of something. We want an explanation, rather than being left in the dark. I agree that the pursuit of the truth is one of the most noble quests in life. To find purpose and meaning is very valiant, and to question one's existence is a sign of intelligence and profound thinking. But as I lay here in the dark under the soft green glow of my stick on glow in the dark stars, I realize that I don't want to know everything. We aren't meant to know everything.

Ever since I can remember, I have had glow in the dark stars on my walls and ceiling. They give me a sense of security and comfort. They allow me to see into the vast universe without leaving the soft comfort of my bed. In all the years I have had them, I have never understood how they work. All day they are almost invisible as they sit on the ceiling, but as soon as night falls and the lights turn out, they are luminous with their brilliant green glow.

For years, I have wondered how this phenomenon occurs. Now that I am older, I know that I could easily Google my question and find a simple answer that would resolve my glowing debate. But now that I have the option, I realize that I don't want to know how they work. I would rather lie under them at night in amazement, not knowing why my stars glow.

Thinking back, I can remember the utter disappointment I felt when I found out that Santa Claus was not real. I was hurt that I had been fooled into thinking that real magic did exist, and there really was someone who was more concerned about the happiness of children than making a pile of money. I eventually lost my bitter resentment towards the world for making me believe in a fictional character, but I will never get back the innocence I lost that day. Now as a young adult, I know I would feel just as robbed if I discovered the science behind how my stars worked as the day I found out my childhood symbol of merriment and joy did not exist.

So maybe we should all take a lesson from the glow in the dark stars. Do we really have to grow up? Maybe we do, but is it really necessary to take away all of the happiness that can be found in beauty of childish ignorance? I believe that there are some questions in life that are best left unanswered. Some things are supposed to be left to our imagination, for if we knew everything, then all creativity would cease to exist. Imagination is creating in our minds something that has never been done before, creating something that would otherwise be seen as impossible. Imagination leads to creativity, and creativity leads to inspiration, and inspiration leads to ideas, and ideas lead to change, and finally, change leads to a better world and a better tomorrow.

The 12am Ice Cream Run...

At about ten o'clock tonight I received a text from a friend asking if I would like to go get ice cream with her later on. I agreed, even though I didn't know when "later on" would come. After a couple of hours, my phone rings and the first words I hear when I pick up are, "Are you up, because I still want ice cream." Fortunately for her, I was still up. She then said that she would be at my apartment in about five minutes. I quickly turned off the television, put on some shoes, and gave Puggy a treat as I went outside to wait.

Sure enough, after about five minutes, Rachel showed up in her red Honda Civic which was missing the front bumper and had a black hood she had painted herself earlier this summer. She smiled as I approached the car, and as I climbed in I realized that there was at least one car in the world that is messier than mine. I sat on top of the many cups and fast food wrappers as we traveled to Wendy's where we would get our delicious ice cream.

When we arrived, we were highly disappointed to find that Wendy's was closed. Rachel in her unfailing optimism insisted that there would be at least one ice cream shop in Springfield open at midnight. Driving down the nearly abandoned paved roads we came across another Wendy's. Delighted, we found that it was open to satisfy our ice cream needs. Going through the drive through line, there was one car in front of us. Looking on the screen that was in place "to ensure order accuracy," I could see that the people in front of us were extremely hungry or going home to have a Wendy's party. They ordered $17.00 worth of food for just two people. I couldn't help but wonder why they needed all that food at midnight.

Five minutes later, we were pulling out of the Wendy's parking lot when I asked the infamous question, "What do we do now?" Of course, Rachel being the random person that she is replies, "Let's go golfing." I agreed, and we were off for the mini golf course. Arriving at the golf course and batting cages, we rolled down our windows and asked a group of teens what time the place closed. They said that it had closed at midnight and there were just a couple people finishing up their game. We thanked them and drove off laughing as we realized just how creepy we looked.

After getting back on the main road, once again the question of what to do arose. We decided to just drive and happened to come across a wreck at one of the intersections. Unfortunately, we were never close enough to see exactly what had happened, so the events of the collision were left to our imaginations.

Continuing to drive down the main road, we decided to head to Rachel's apartment. Once there, we traveled up the three flights of steps to reach her apartment on the third floor. Upon entering
the apartment, the smell of cigarette smoke became present and the faint glow of a table lamp in one of the bedrooms could be seen. Rachel's sister greeted us as we sat in the kitchen. Rachel then proceeded to explain to me about some expensive drink I had never even heard of. After taking a couple of swigs to try it, I put the bottle back in the refrigerator and sat at the kitchen table.

For the next five minutes or so, we just sat watching the mouse that was in a cage on top of the refrigerator as it made its way around the loop. Then we decided to head to my apartment, because Rachel had to work at nine in the morning and needed sleep.

When we arrived at the apartment, I said goodbye and came in the apartment to find my pug's tail wagging in glee that I had not abandoned her. I smiled as I threw down my keys and took off my shoes. I layed on the bed and thought about the previous hour's events. Sure, nothing really interesting happened in that hour, but it was an experience I will never forget. I had considered just going to sleep and not going out for ice cream, but why waste an opportunity to do something completely random? Life is all about being spontaneous. Besides, ice cream really does taste better at midnight. : )

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Humor of an Evening Drive

Driving has always been my escape. I love nothing more than to get in my car and cruise around town with no destination in mind. As I drive, listening to my music, occasionally singing along I am given a chance to ponder my life and the direction it is heading. Some days I drive to escape the boring confines of my apartment, and other days I have real issues to contemplate. Today was the latter. As the gas gauge slowly dropped, I thought about my future and what lie ahead for me. Lately I have been plagued with a sense of insecurity in my decisions about my education and future career. Thankfully yesterday I had a chance to discuss my problems with my former English teacher, mentor, and friend. She advised me to explore the world of nonfiction writing, and I am very excited at the prospect of writing for a living. I know it will be difficult, but I think I am up for the challenge. For now, I am going to stick with my plans to go to culinary school this fall, but I will definitely keep writing a priority in my mind.
Anyway, back to my drive through Springfield today. As I continued to drive, passing several businesses along the way, I saw a sign that caught my attention. It read “Ink Slingers: Home of the $35.00 tattoo.” Well, I am not a tattoo artist by any means, but to me any tattoo shop that advertises a cheap tattoo is not one worth going to. Tattoos are on your body for life, so I would think bargain shopping is not the objective. But who am I to talk? After all, my wrist tattoo was only $32.00 after tax. But I guess you have to keep in mind that I got my tattoo in Mountain Home, Arkansas rather than Springfield, Missouri. Everything is more expensive in Springfield.
Driving further down the road, I saw another sign that caught my eye. This time it was a billboard. It showed a picture a young girl smiling with a glass of chocolate milk in her hand. Under her the sign read, “Chocolate Milk: The official sport drink.” Just the thought made me want to puke. Take a moment and think about it. You are a sports star, gearing up for your next fierce competition. You are trying to get pumped for the game, so you grab a drink from the refrigerator that is sure to hydrate you. What do you envision grabbing? Is it a Gatorade or possibly a PowerAde, both of which have been proven to provide you with the electrolytes necessary to give you the energy to win? That’s what I would envision, but no, according to this billboard, the magical drink you are reaching for is chocolate milk. Just the thought of drinking a cup of chocolate milk before rigorous physical activity makes me want to hurl. I would think that anyone drinking milk before a race would be caught thinking the famous words of Will Farrell in Anchorman, “Milk was a bad choice.” But maybe that’s just me.

So with that final sickening thought of milky bliss, I ceased my evening drive. I ended my drive without figuring out what I want to do with my life, but I did get a chance to breathe. I had a chance to escape my life and look at it from an outsider’s perspective, and I had a chance to enjoy some humorous sights along the way.

A Little Bit About Me...

The name is Jordan, but you can call me Helga. Actually, I would prefer if you just called me Jordan or Chili, that's also acceptable. And no, contrary to popular belief I did not start the popular restaurant chain, although I do aspire to be a chef...or writer...or maybe even a food writer. : ) I am not quite sure what I want to do at this point in my life. I recently moved to Springfield, and I have the best roommate in the world! She is very small and hyperactive, but has a personality very similar to me! She has no attention span, but is easily amused. Her favorite activity is chewing up things, especially the carpet and my shoes. She is adorable, especially when she snores while sleeping! Her name is Pugahantus, but you can call her Puggy. I love her with all my heart! I love God with all my heart too! If you haven't heard, He is pretty awesome! I wouldn't be where I am today without Him. He is not only my savior, but my best friend. I also love fire...something about it really fascinates me. I have been asked on several occassions if I am a smoker, but if you know me, you know I just like playing with lighters and happen to own a lot of them. Storm chasing is also a passion of mine. When I was little, I hated storms. Now if I hear of a tornado warning, I am out with my camera chasing it. Usually, I just end up in the middle of the storm, but I love it. I don't like fake people (by this statement I don't mean fake people as in mannequins, I actually quite like them...but not in a creepy way). I don't like liars....although I may tell the occassional fib. I don't like wearing dresses, I tend to be more of a tom boy and have been my entire life, although I don't mind dressing up to go clubbing. I love jumping into creeks in the middle of March, and I love the smell of grass that has just been mowed. I don't like brussel sprouts, but energy drinks rank up there on my favorites list. I am not an angry person, although I can get annoyed just like anyone else. I tend to have a very addictive personality. I am a huge fan of Hell's Kitchen, and I am not afraid to admit that I still love NSYNC. I have a lot of friends, and they mean the world to me. I love my family as well. In conclusion, I am a fun loving person who can be extremely random. Flamingo.