Friday, August 15, 2008

The Pink Pony Pub

While on our way to Gulf Shores, I was texting one of my former teachers. She said for us to stay away from The Pink Pony Pub in Gulf Shores. Naturally we were intrigued, and we Googled it as soon as we arrived at the condo. We we anxious to go find it, but we didn't actually have a chance to begin our search until late this afternoon.

We started out our search with great confidence, after all, we did have a GPS. We weren't looking to go in the pub, but we knew we definitely had to take a picture in front of it. So under the authority of Caroline (we named the GPS) we were off.

Traveling down the roads of Gulf Shores, we took all the turns Caroline told us to take, that is until I accidentally turned one street too early. Luckily Caroline is a GPS, and she could calculate the unexpected turn into our journey. Following her directions we traveled in a square which we thought would lead us right to the pub. But then as we found ourselves continuing driving, we noticed we were passing all of the same spots in the square again. Caroline took us around the square twice! Then when we did finally arrive at the destination, it turned out to be a light pole and some trees. There was no Pink Pony Pub to be found. Caroline had definitely let us down this time.

Chelsea called her mom and had her Google the address for the pub, after explaining why we were even going in the first place. She gave us the address, we entered it into Caroline, and we were off. We traveled down a whole new set of streets, traveling for about ten minutes when we noticed we were very close to our apartment. It turns out the address we got was on the road right beside our condo, and it led to a pink house but not a pink pub. We were disappointed, but we were bent on finding the place.

So after that whole ordeal, we went ahead and went to our condo where I Googled the pub and sure enough, the address was for the house right beside us. After some more in depth searching, I found a new address and decided to try it out. After driving about three miles, we found that we had pretty much passed the pub while on our search. It was just hidden behind another place.

We were so excited that we found it, but unfortunately I missed the turn because we didn't find it until I was already past it. So I turned around and on the way back I was getting ready to turn in at the stoplight, but I realized it was a one way street and I couldn't turn. Once again, I drove past the pub. After turning around again, I came back and turned into a parking lot I was sure would get us there, but alas, no, it just got us to hotel parking.

After that, I turned back out onto the road and tried the next turn off. It turned out the parking lot was close by the pub, but it did not lead to The Pink Pony. So I exited out of the parking lot and decided to try one other road. When I turned, I immediately noticed that the road led to the public beach access and you had to pay for a permit to park there. I turned around and exited another parking lot yet again.

Upon driving by the pub, I noticed that the permit parking road was the one I needed to be on, but it was not worth it just for a picture. I was angry by then, and I just decided to keep driving down the highway to see what I could see. Amber asked how far I was going to drive before I turned back to head toward the condo and replied by saying that I was going to keep driving until I was no longer angry. Obviously this took awhile, because before we knew it, we were in Florida. It was probably only about thirty minutes away from our condo, but just thinking I had driven in anger until I had crossed a state line made me crack up.

Since I was feeling better, I turned around and we went back to our condo. Overall it was a fun memory I know I will never forget. We are going back tomorrow to get our picture, so I guess I can handle that.

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