Friday, August 8, 2008

A Little Bit About Me...

The name is Jordan, but you can call me Helga. Actually, I would prefer if you just called me Jordan or Chili, that's also acceptable. And no, contrary to popular belief I did not start the popular restaurant chain, although I do aspire to be a chef...or writer...or maybe even a food writer. : ) I am not quite sure what I want to do at this point in my life. I recently moved to Springfield, and I have the best roommate in the world! She is very small and hyperactive, but has a personality very similar to me! She has no attention span, but is easily amused. Her favorite activity is chewing up things, especially the carpet and my shoes. She is adorable, especially when she snores while sleeping! Her name is Pugahantus, but you can call her Puggy. I love her with all my heart! I love God with all my heart too! If you haven't heard, He is pretty awesome! I wouldn't be where I am today without Him. He is not only my savior, but my best friend. I also love fire...something about it really fascinates me. I have been asked on several occassions if I am a smoker, but if you know me, you know I just like playing with lighters and happen to own a lot of them. Storm chasing is also a passion of mine. When I was little, I hated storms. Now if I hear of a tornado warning, I am out with my camera chasing it. Usually, I just end up in the middle of the storm, but I love it. I don't like fake people (by this statement I don't mean fake people as in mannequins, I actually quite like them...but not in a creepy way). I don't like liars....although I may tell the occassional fib. I don't like wearing dresses, I tend to be more of a tom boy and have been my entire life, although I don't mind dressing up to go clubbing. I love jumping into creeks in the middle of March, and I love the smell of grass that has just been mowed. I don't like brussel sprouts, but energy drinks rank up there on my favorites list. I am not an angry person, although I can get annoyed just like anyone else. I tend to have a very addictive personality. I am a huge fan of Hell's Kitchen, and I am not afraid to admit that I still love NSYNC. I have a lot of friends, and they mean the world to me. I love my family as well. In conclusion, I am a fun loving person who can be extremely random. Flamingo.

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