Monday, August 18, 2008

A Sleepy Farewell

This morning while most of the United States was sleeping, Amber, Chelsea, and I got up to depart from the absolutely gorgeous beach in Gulf Shores. We woke up around 4:30, got ready and took off. Although I truly did miss my family and Puggy, I couldn't help but feel a slight bit of sadness as I watched the beach disappear in the rear view mirror.

The past few days on the beach served as an escape for me. I didn't have to deal with anyone's problems or even my own. I could just forget all of them and relax. I enjoyed the chance to write and to just sit back, watching the waves roll in. Leaving the beach meant I would have to enter back into the real world. With a final glance back, I said goodbye to my vacation and to my summer. Heading back to Missouri meant that it is time to start college and make something of myself. I am looking forward to it, but I will definitely miss the carefree nights on the beach.

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