Monday, August 25, 2008

Human Communication Round 2

This morning I had Human Communication yet again. It proved to be just as interesting as the last time I had class on Friday. With self introductions and a corn rowed chick sitting next to me, what could be better?!

The class started out with attendance, and I noticed that my partner, Chelsea was not there. After attendance, Susan said that we were going to pick up where we left off with each of us getting up in front of the class to introduce our partners.

The first few groups went, and then I had a chance to ask what I would do since my partner was not there. She asked if I would be willing to introduce myself, and I said that I thought I could handle it. She looked overjoyed that I volunteered to introduce myself.

I got up and went to the front of the room. I told everyone that I was from Willow Springs, and I was currently enrolled in the culinary arts program. I also said that I lived in an apartment with Puggy. In addition to that standard information, we were required to say one interesting thing about ourselves. I couldn't think of anything! So I decided to say that I am currently working on my first book, which is true by the way! Boy if she wasn't happy before, she sure was estatic then!

I took my seat, and we went on with more of the introductions. After the introductions were over, we started going over the first chapter of the reading we were assigned, except apparently it was a suggestion, not an assignment. Before we began to go over it, the instructor asked how many people had a chance to read over the weekend. Note to self: reading assignments=optional at OTC.

Once we were going over the reading, she was asking questions that we would be able to read the answer straight out of the book. Easy enough. Time flew by, and soon it was time to leave. As Susan wrapped up, she thanked us for such great participation. Yes, it did take a lot of effort to say my name in front of the class and read one line directly out of the book. I felt this gratitude was much deserved.

Before walking out of class, the girl sitting directly to my left turned to ask me a question. Before going on with the story, I feel it is necessary to describe this chick. You see, her name is Juanita, but she prefers to be called K. Also, I should mention that she has corn rows in her hair, and no, she is not black. Now on with the story. So K who kind of creeps me out already turns to me and says, "What's your book about?" I reply by saying that it is going to based on my life. She just turned back to her stuff and never said a word back to me. Neat. I don't know if she approved or was repulsed by the idea. I just thought to my self, "Oh well," as I walked out of the room from yet another, wonderful Human Communication class.

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