Monday, August 11, 2008

Help! Need Gas Money!

After cleaning my car today, I decided it was time to start packing for the beach. I stuffed three fourths of my clothes into a suitcase, and as I did I remembered that I didn't have any of the travel size shampoo to take along. So tonight around eight thirty, I traveled to Target to pick up this much needed item. After getting the shampoo and getting into my car, I traveled out of the parking lot and onto the road where I was forced to wait out a red light. I was just leaning back listening to my music, when I noticed a woman standing at the corner of the intersection. She was probably in her mid forties, wore simple shorts and a t-shirt, and was on her cell phone. But when I looked closer, I noticed she was holding a sign. The sign read, "Help! Need Gas Money!" I knew I didn't have any cash on me or I probably would have given her a couple dollars.

As I sat there though, I couldn't help but be skeptical of the whole situation. Here this woman was standing on the corner of the road with no parked car even remotely near her, and she was on her cell phone. From her facial expressions, it didn't look like she was in hysterics. In fact, it looked like she was actually enjoying the conversation. Also, doesn't everyone have a debit card these days? I would think if you owned a car, you would definitely carry one. Plus, why didn't she just walk to the nearest store or gas station to see if someone could help her? Instead she was standing on the street corner in a dimly lit area. But then again, it was close to nine o'clock at night, and she certainly didn't look like a con artist. Even though I was skeptical, I probably would have given her some cash if I had had any.

As I drove off, I thought more and more about the lady. What was her life story? What got her to the point where she was standing on the corner of the streeet asking people for money? She looked like your average middle aged woman. Did she recently lose her job and was barely scraping by on what little funds she could save? Was she just passing through Springfield and simply ran out of gas...and cash? I will never know what her story is, but I will make sure to mention her in my prayers tonight and ask God to bless her and help her in her time of need.

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