Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who Needs a Paper Shredder When You Have a Pug?

Today was the dreaded apartment cleaning day. I hate cleaning, but it had to be done. The mess was starting to get out of control. I had no dishes left to eat off of, the was spaghetti sauce molding in a pan, and I had nothing left to wear after today. So with trash bag in one hand and a dust rag in the other, I started on the long task ahead of me. I started to pick up all the scraps of paper and cotton stuffing that was on the floor. It covered the entire floor of my bedroom, and if you have ever seen my "junior suite," you know that the whole apartment is my bedroom. Puggy may be a small dog, but she can out shred any paper shredder I have ever seen. My mom bought her a toy bug less than a week ago, and now all the cotton stuffing has been ripped out. Puggy triumphantly trots around the apartment with her deflated bug in her mouth. If there is any paper on the floor, you can bet within five minutes it will be in at least one hundred pieces. Somehow she manages to find things to rip up that I didn't even know existed.

As I was picking up shreds of newspaper off the floor today, I looked up on the bed and saw that Puggy was in the middle of shredding a French fry box from McDonalds. There were pieces all over my bed. I yelled at her to stop, and she just looked at me as if asking, "Are you talking to me?" She continued to rip up the box until I took it from her. I told her she was lucky that she is cute or else she would have been thrown out a long time ago. This is our life together. Every day she makes a mess of something, and every day I clean it up and tell her how lucky she is. All of the ripped up paper and cardboard may be annoying, but I love my little paper shredder with all my heart. I wouldn't trade her for any other dog in the entire world.

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