Saturday, September 6, 2008


So remember how I said I wasn't feeling too hot a couple of days ago...well, it is getting worse. I still feel really weak and have a low grade fever most of the time. Now in addition to all that, I have rashes all down one side of my stomach...too much information, I know. I went home yesterday, and my mom (who is a nurse) confirmed that I most likely have shingles, and no, that doesn't mean the things that go on you roof. Shingles is actually a form of the chicken pox virus that people get when they have already had the chicken pox. Neat. Not. It sucks. Unfortunately I did not have time to go to the doctor while I was home. It is my hope that it gets better over the next week. If not, however, I am going to go to the doctor sometime next weekend. Oh and I should probably take the time to mention that I am not you can still talk to me if you see me on the don't have to avoid me like I have the plague. lol Hopefully I will be over this soon. Being sick is not fun, and when you are in college, you don't get to miss school!

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